On the 29th of June, 1852, Henry Clay died. In that month the two great political parties, in their national conventions, had accepted as a finality all the compromise measures of 1850, and the last hours of the Kentucky statesman were br... Read more of THE STORY OF UNCLE TOM'S CABIN at Martin Luther King.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Page's Geese[30]


Ole man Page'll be in a turble rage,
W'en he find out, it'll raise his dander.
Yankee soldiers bought his geese, fer one cent a-piece,
An' sent de pay home by de gander.

[30] The Northern soldiers during the Civil War took all of a Southern
planter's geese except one lone gander. They put one penny, for each
goose taken, into a small bag and tied this bag around the gander's
neck. They then sent him home to his owner with the pay of one penny for
each goose taken. The Negroes of the community at once made up this
little song.

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